Download the free guide to selecting surfaces by clicking here

It's a fact – if you need to specify or buy a playground surface, the responsibility for getting it right rests with you. And it can be hard to find a product that ticks all the boxes you are expected to satisfy. You need a surface that will be:

  • Cost effective to install
  • Long-lasting and durable
  • Meets rigorous safety standards
  • Attractive to children

Making sense is here to help. Our key aim is to promote best practice amongst specifiers and buyers to ensure best value in the purchase and installation of safer surfacing.

Where do you start?

Here at, we understand your dilemma – and we are here to help you make sense of all the information out there, and to help you make an informed decision on which surface you should be buying for your play area.

This website is packed with information to help you through the various stages involved in specifying and selecting the right surface for your needs. We highlight the key issues you must consider before you purchase your next playground surface, with the minimum of technical jargon!

We have also created a guide you can print now to help you further with your choice of surface. Just click the link to download.

In association with Playtop Safer SurfacingIn association with
Playtop Safer Surfacing